business - Course 2 Step 5
Create a Database
Watch the video to discover how to create a database to store your client's email addresses
If you have been keeping a database on your phone, on your emails or on a excel spreadsheet then this is for you!
Does your database automatically add potential customers for you?
Creating a proper database is a vital part of turning your business into the difference between idling and BOOMING. If you have a fresh database of potential or new customers your business can not only grow, but grow tremendously. Most business owners will tell you that to get clients is the hardest part of getting business...right? Well, what is the point of continually pouring money into advertising and not getting the contact details of people who may be interested?
Did you know that most sales only happen after the 5th interaction?!! That means that someone would need to see your advert at least 5 times before they buy! So unless you get the sale first time, you would have to keep advertising and hoping that the same people keep seeing the advert!
People are much more likely to give you their email if they are interested and do not feel bullied to buy something. Give them something valuable for free in exchange for their email (You will learn about this in detail later). Once you have their email, build a relationship and show them how much more you can offer them. If you can do this, the sale comes much more naturally...and so do recommendations.....and the less you need to advertise to people who are not interested in what you offer.
So here is how to do it step by step...
- Go to and open an account
- Once you are logged in, you will see there are 4 tabs at the top left corner – Campaigns, Templates, Lists and Rapports. The first one you need to attend to is “Lists”. It is important to create as many different lists as possible so that you can target clients separately. For instance if your business offers 3 different things, you want to split customers up for each one. If you just want to create one list to start off with you can just import all your Gmail contacts and create more lists later. This is important because when you start sending bulk or automated emails later on, you will want them split up to target specific clients.
Mail chimp has many cool features and it is all free until you have 2000 people on your lists so if your list is very old it may be worth your while to start fresh. In later steps we will be covering how to get fresh leads.
You can use Mail chimp to:
- Send out an advert email (beautifully designed with full colour and pictures) to a specific list
- Create landing pages
- Create Facebook adverts
- Create a sign up form on your website or landing page and then send an automated email to welcome them or to redirect them elsewhere
- To sell products
We will be doing all these one by one in the next steps.
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step #1
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