business - Course 3 Step 4
Create a sign up form
Watch the video to discover how to create a sign up form on your website
We have covered how to do a landing page to get people to sign up but on a website it is a bit different. You need to merge your Mail chimp account with your WordPress account. When people come into your website, it will come up as a "pop up" giving them the option to sign up.
Here is how to do it:
- On your website Dashboard go to plugins.
- Search for Mailchimp in your installed plugins.
- If it is not there, click the button at the top that says ADD NEW and search for it and install it and activate it.
- Go into the Mailchimp plugin settings once it is installed
- You will see there are 5 tabs, go to "Connect" first
- It will ask you for an API key. You get this as follows:
- Go into your Mailchimp account
- Go to the little arrow on the right top corner of the page
- Select "account"
- Choose the "Extras" tab and go to "API keys"
- Select "create a key"
- Copy and paste this key into your website where it asks for the API key
- Go to the next tab "Store settings" and fill in all the details
- Go to the next tab "List settings"
- Choose which list in Mailchimp you want new clients who fill in the sign up form to be added to. You can also add a new list from here.
- Make sure all your settings are saved.
So now when people sign up on your website, they will automatically be added onto your Mailchimp mailing list.
step #1
Bulk emails
step #3
Facebook adverts
step #2
Landing page
step #5
Automated emails
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