business - Course 3 Step 4

Create a sign up form

Watch the video to discover how to create a sign up form on your website

We have covered how to do a landing page to get people to sign up but on a website it is a bit different. You need to merge your Mail chimp account with your WordPress account. When people come into your website, it will come up as a "pop up" giving them the option to sign up.

Here is how to do it:

  1. On your website Dashboard go to plugins.
  2. Search for Mailchimp in your installed plugins.
  3. If it is not there, click the button at the top that says ADD NEW and search for it and install it and activate it.
  4. Go into the Mailchimp plugin settings once it is installed
  5. You will see there are 5 tabs, go to "Connect" first
  6. It will ask you for an API key. You get this as follows:
    1. Go into your Mailchimp account
    2. Go to the little arrow on the right top corner of the page
    3. Select "account"
    4. Choose the "Extras" tab and go to "API keys"
    5. Select "create a key"
  7. Copy and paste this key into your website where it asks for the API key
  8. Go to the next tab "Store settings" and fill in all the details
  9. Go to the next tab "List settings"
  10. Choose which list in Mailchimp you want new clients who fill in the sign up form to be added to. You can also add a new list from here.
  11. Make sure all your settings are saved.

So now when people sign up on your website, they will automatically be added onto your Mailchimp mailing list.

step #1

Bulk emails

step #3

Facebook adverts

step #2

Landing page

step #5

Automated emails

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